Are Colored Contacts Safe?
Feb 08,2023 | Coleyes
Colored contact lenses are a cosmetic choice for many people. They can make your eye color more vibrant, add contrast to your eyes, and even influence how others perceive the rest of your face. Colored contacts come in a wide variety of colors and styles, giving you many options to choose from when you're looking to change up your appearance. But are colored contacts safe? And what factors should you keep in mind when you're shopping for them?

Colored contact lenses are a cosmetic choice for many people.
Colored contact lenses are a cosmetic choice for many people. They aren't a medical necessity and can be worn for up to 6 months at a time.
They're also popular with people who want to change their eye color permanently, but don't want to go through the surgery required for permanent eyelid tattooing or other forms of body modification like ear piercing or nose ring insertion (and removal).
Colored contact lenses that aren't properly fitted can scratch your cornea and cause infection.
The most important thing to remember when using colored contact lenses is that they must be properly fitted. Colored contacts like the ones you might buy at a drugstore or online are not designed to fit your eye, so they can scratch your cornea and cause infection if you don't have them properly fitted by an optometrist. Thus it turns unsafe.
Colored contacts also carry risks if not cleaned properly and/or worn with the right lenses for your eyes. Many people who wear colored contacts find that their eyes get dryer than usual after wearing them for long periods of time--this can lead to infections such as redness or swelling around the edges of your eyelids (blepharitis), which requires further treatment from an eye doctor.
Improper cleaning can lead to eye infections, as can overuse of tap water.
Improper cleaning can lead to eye infections, as can overuse of tap water.
You should never use tap water to clean your contact lenses. You also shouldn't use soap or other harsh chemicals on your eyes or contacts because this can damage the delicate surface of the cornea and increase irritation or discomfort. Instead, use a contact solution that has been approved by the FDA and follow these steps:
Wash hands thoroughly before handling your lenses--this helps prevent contamination from bacteria on your hands infecting your eyes later!
Use only one hand at a time when putting in/taking out contact; don't share between family members unless you're sure there's no risk of infection (like if someone had conjunctivitis). If possible, have another person assist with the application so they can avoid touching their own eyes while helping you!
Don't touch anything else after handling them either - including clothing items such as shirtsleeves, which may contain germs from previous users who wore infected pairs without washing hands first."
Consulting an eye doctor before using colored contacts is the best way to make sure they're safe.
The first step in choosing colored contacts is to make sure you have a proper prescription. Even if you don't need glasses or contact lenses, some doctors will still prescribe colored contacts for aesthetic reasons. If this is the case, they will be able to guide you through the process of finding a fitting style and color that works best with your eyesight.
You should also get fitted with a cleaning kit before using any type of colored contact lens-- even if it's just one time! Some people think they can skip out on buying their own cleaning solution because theirs came with their new pair, but this isn't true at all! Every brand has different instructions for how often they should be cleaned/changed out (and how long each set lasts) so check those first before deciding how long yours should last before switching back over again too soon; otherwise risk getting an infection from wearing dirty lenses too long without taking proper precautions against bacterial growth inside them while being worn outside during daytime hours where air quality isn't always ideal either...
The most important thing is to consult with an eye doctor before using colored contact lenses. They can help you determine whether these lenses are safe for your eyes and how best to care for them. In general, it's best not to wear contacts too often or for extended periods of time--especially if you have sensitive eyes or other health concerns like diabetes or glaucoma.